Insurances Accepted: Blue Cross/ Blue Shield | Care First Blue cross | EHP | USFHP/Tricare | Cigna | Health Saving Accounts | Out of Network

Individual Counseling

One on one private and confidential counseling designed to bring resolve to presenting chief complaint in a 12 week process through Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (main therapeutic model) is utilized in sessions. Lengthier intervals are available.


One on one private and confidential counseling via the use of technology both locally and abroad.

Mental Health Evaluations

Biopsychosocial-Spiritual evaluations designed to determine strengths, problem areas, and research, diagnose and recommend suitable treatment options.

Substance Abuse Evaluations

Biopsychosocial-Spiritual evaluations designed to properly diagnose and recommend treatment options for substance abuse patients. Evaluations include an in-depth analysis of substance abuse history.


Provide hourly consulting to individuals, business organizations (including employees), educational institutions, and secular and religious community development organizations.

Psycho-Educational Seminars

Provide Psycho-educational seminars to educate and empower.

Motivational Speaking

Travel to schools, prison, colleges/universities and various religious youth and men seminars to motivate change and enhancement.